Tuesday 10 November 2015

Target Audience Questionnaire Analysis

Question 1: What is your gender?

From this graph it is apparent that most of my target audience is female and so I should construct my teaser trailer around the female precipitation of films – the use of female characters and attractive males will help attract the majority female target audience. 

Question 2: What is your age group?
When asking this question I had to ensure my teaser trailer is age group appropriate and so the results from my questionnaire show that most of my target group are 13-17 year old therefore language and violence should be kept to a minimum. Although a number of the questionnaires answered were by 18-20 years old the teaser trailer should follow the guidelines of the youngest viewers to avoid harm or offence. 

Question 3: What is your favourite movie genre? (choose two)

Although ‘rom-com’ and ‘comedy’ were the most desired genre of film I have decided to produce a thriller teaser trailer as after previously researching and analysing thriller teaser trailers; Inception and The Lovely Bones – I believe I can put my best effort into creating a thriller teaser trailer. As I am going against my target audience interests I must ensure my teaser trailer is appealing to their wishes and so I plan to highlight a sense of romance for the ‘rom-com’ viewers. 

Question 4: Do you enjoy watching teaser trailers?

 I included this question in my questionnaire because I felt it was important to know if my target audience enjoy teaser trailers or do they find them ‘nuisence’ marketing adverts. The response to this question was positive for my task – yes was the majordly reply which encourages me to create the teaser trailer with confidence that my target audience will enjoy watching it.

Question 5: What teaser trailer, that you have seen, is your most memorable?

The response to this question allows me to research into this teaser trailers to gain an insight into the types of features and effects my target audience enjoy in teaser trailers. All answers to this question were different including; Harry Potter and Insidious, as memorable teaser trailers. Using the responses I am keen to look at how these teaser trailers were successful within the industry.

Question 6: Are teaser trailers more enjoyable with or without dialogue?

Sound and dialogue is an important aspect of a teaser trailer and so I felt this question was essential to ask my target audience. The target audience has said that they enjoy teaser trailers with dialogue meaning they prefer the characters talking during the clip. I feel using dialogue allows me to produce a more interesting piece so I am happy to have this positive result from my target audience concerning dialogue.

Question 7: Do teaser trailers interest you to watch a film? Are they effective?

 Again this question was answered positively encouraging the production of my own teaser trailer – from asking this question I am confident that my teaser trailer, following the codes and conventions, will be effective in creating a  ‘buzz’ for a film. From this question I have gained insight into how interested my target audience are in teaser trailers and so the positive response is constructive when I am producing my piece.

Question 8: What do you find most attractive in teaser trailers? 
This question was the most important one within my questionnaire; what attracts the target audience to a teaser trailer is how I will structure my piece to ensure it draws them into watching my own. The most popular response was the plot of the teaser trailer meaning I will significantly focus my trailer on the plot of the film. 

Question 9: Watch this link; 


What was your favourite feature about this teaser trailer? What did you like about it? Please explain. 

I used this question in my questionnaire as I wanted to gain an insight into what kind of things my target audience notices in a teaser trailer as well as what they liked about this specific teaser trailer. I am pleased with the responses from my target audience – the areas mentioned I will emphasise the most effort as I now realise my target audience are aware of the lighting, sound and other aspects of a teaser trailer. 

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