Thursday 3 December 2015


The script is the most important part of planning, along with a storyboard. I have decided to write my own script for my teaser trailer;

Screenplay "Working Title Production"
Non-diegetic sound plays 

Scene one - main character + two outside in location
Sister and main character bumping into one another, both laughing and smiling. 

Screenplay "Movie title here"
Non-diegetic sound plays 

Scene two - main character + two seen walking on path
Villian/killer is walking in distance (in shot but blurry)
Faint mumbling heard along with laughing 

Scene three - four characters seen talking in an over the shoulder shot
Mum: "Cold evening isn't it" says to the stranger (villian character)
John White: "You look wrapped up warm" smirking smiled seemly creepy towards Emily. 
Emily looks clearly uncomfortable however she seems to be the only character who sees this. 

Scene four - close up of Emily 
Non-diegetic sound plays 

Scene five - jump cut to close up of John White appearing creepy and smirk
Non-diegetic sound plays 

Scene six - screams heard from Emily as a glimpse of the moment John White kidnaps the young girl

Scene seven - jump cut to previously seen close up of John Whites face 
Whispers of Emily can be heard "help", "it was him" 

Scene eight - Mid shot of the mum and sister and Emily walking away
Faint laughing by John  White heard over the shot 

Voice-over: Emily Fields talking,
"My name is Emily Fields. I was murdered on the *date*. This is the man that murdered me."

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