Friday 11 December 2015

Flatplans - Movie Magazine (front cover)

Again, I have created two flatplans for my movie magazine front cover. The codes and conventions of these were the same as the codes and conventions of the music magazine front cover which I completed as part of my AS Media Portfolio and so this task will be easier to complete this year a I am familiar with the process of producing a magazine front cover.

Flatplan 1

Flatplan 2

Photograpghs - Movie Magazine (front cover)

Again, these images show the examples of pictures I have took for the movie magazine front cover - choosing between these will again be decided by the target audience as ensuring the movie magazine is appealing to them the image has to look relevant and appropriate for the movie magazine. The front cover consists of the main character, Emily Fields, as she is the main role that everyone should recognise when thinking of the film; Emily Fields: Life and Death.

Photoshoot plans - Movie Magazine

Friday 4 December 2015

Flatplans - Movie Poster

 I have created two flatplan ideas for my movie poster - both flatplans follow the codes and conventions of movie posters as I learned and analysed during my research of this task. 

                     FLATPLAN 1                                                                 FLATPLAN 2

Photographs - Movie Poster

These images represent the main character, Emily Fields showing scared facial expressions which I believe best suit a movie poster. In choosing the right image I will show these five pictures to my target audience to see which one they seem to prefer more.

Viral marketing campaign - Facebook profile

During my research of viral marketing Facebook was an interesting and popular platform to campaign and advertise on and so I have created a Facebook page for Emily Fields - the main character within my teaser trailer.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Location planning

There are a number of locations around my area which would go perfectly with my plot and storyline. However, I have decided to use Navan Fort as the key location during my teaser trailer as the location is central to the other locations; two homes, that I wish to use in the trailer.

The Navan Fort site has different 'thriller' aspects I can include; trees, pathways, hills, forests - all of which will enhance the plot of my teaser trailer. 

I have recently visited this site to take pictures of the areas around that I believe will fit perfectly with what I aim to create. 


The script is the most important part of planning, along with a storyboard. I have decided to write my own script for my teaser trailer;

Screenplay "Working Title Production"
Non-diegetic sound plays 

Scene one - main character + two outside in location
Sister and main character bumping into one another, both laughing and smiling. 

Screenplay "Movie title here"
Non-diegetic sound plays 

Scene two - main character + two seen walking on path
Villian/killer is walking in distance (in shot but blurry)
Faint mumbling heard along with laughing 

Scene three - four characters seen talking in an over the shoulder shot
Mum: "Cold evening isn't it" says to the stranger (villian character)
John White: "You look wrapped up warm" smirking smiled seemly creepy towards Emily. 
Emily looks clearly uncomfortable however she seems to be the only character who sees this. 

Scene four - close up of Emily 
Non-diegetic sound plays 

Scene five - jump cut to close up of John White appearing creepy and smirk
Non-diegetic sound plays 

Scene six - screams heard from Emily as a glimpse of the moment John White kidnaps the young girl

Scene seven - jump cut to previously seen close up of John Whites face 
Whispers of Emily can be heard "help", "it was him" 

Scene eight - Mid shot of the mum and sister and Emily walking away
Faint laughing by John  White heard over the shot 

Voice-over: Emily Fields talking,
"My name is Emily Fields. I was murdered on the *date*. This is the man that murdered me."


Whilst planning my teaser trailer I found YouTube a great source for finding inspiration for the plot, shot types, sound and camera work. 
This trailer especially caught my eye as the sound is very intriguing to the plot - I am going to use this trailer as means of inspiring my own creation (along with others). 

In the below trailer I was deeply inspired by the shaky hand-held camera use as the effect was enhanced making the thriller trailer more intriguing. 
